This blog is for the Wieuca Road Baptist Church J.E.P.R. (Justice, Ethics and Public Responsibility) Council & friends. We are a group of laity and clergy who seek to enable the church to tackle tough issues of our society such as poverty, hunger, racism, environmental destruction, and war. We hope to encourage healing, unity, diversity, and peace-making for all God's creation.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Global Warming: Newsweek

Hi folks, you might get a kick out of the latest edition of newsweek. The cover concerns global warming.


Sunday, August 5, 2007

Event Tonight (Monday) at Peachtree Baptist Church

Just a reminder of the dinner at Peachtree Baptist Church at 6:00pm tonight—they are hosting the director of Alternatives for Simple Living. Alternatives is a great source of curriculum and personal resources dedicated to biblical simplicity and intentionality in all of life’s aspects. This event will be a casual dialogue with this person about the topic of simplicity in today’s world.

I plan to attend—let me know if anyone else is going to.

