This blog is for the Wieuca Road Baptist Church J.E.P.R. (Justice, Ethics and Public Responsibility) Council & friends. We are a group of laity and clergy who seek to enable the church to tackle tough issues of our society such as poverty, hunger, racism, environmental destruction, and war. We hope to encourage healing, unity, diversity, and peace-making for all God's creation.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Here is a post to get the ball rolling.


scottp said...

Thanks, Matt. Will take some getting used to. I hope the others will leave a comment to indicate who is now linked up in this way.

Matt said...

Well, we can practice. Will you attempt to make a post on your own?

Steve Vellines said...

Hey Matt and Scott, I am onboard. Great idea and I can mention this to my Eco-justice friends at Peachtree Baptist Church so that this can be one of the blogs they turn to for dialogue on environmental and justise issues.