This blog is for the Wieuca Road Baptist Church J.E.P.R. (Justice, Ethics and Public Responsibility) Council & friends. We are a group of laity and clergy who seek to enable the church to tackle tough issues of our society such as poverty, hunger, racism, environmental destruction, and war. We hope to encourage healing, unity, diversity, and peace-making for all God's creation.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Darfur opportunity and "troika" possibilities

I am on the Save Darfur ( e-newsletter list and just received a request to offer encouragement to Secretary Rice on an upcoming meeting with representatives of China and France to begin to end the violence in Darfur. As I often do, I at least registered to offer her such encouragement by EM.

In the context of that e-newsletter, the site was noted. It provides an interesting and informative overview of some of the issues, challenges and opportunities for the world to, quote George Bush and, say "not on my watch" relative to this on-going violence and genocide.

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